How to get from Malaga city centre by bus
To travel to the Sunset Beach Club Hotel (Benalmadena) take the M-110 bus from Malaga at these stops:
María Zambrano Train Station (click link to open google maps)
Muelle Heredia (click link to open google maps)
The stop you should get off at is: Sunset Club Beach.
How to get there by suburban train from Malaga city centre or from the train station or airport
From the centre of Malaga, it is possible to travel to the Sunset Beach Club Hotel (Benalmadena) with the Cercanías – Line 1 Fuengirola:
- Malaga Alameda Centre
- María Zambrano train station (Vialia)
- Airport
The stop where you should get off is: Benalmádena – Arroyo de la Miel.
From the train station, you can walk (approx. 30 minutes) or call a taxi (0034 952 44 15 45).